It's that time of year again; the hot tub's been disinfected, the spray tan's been applied, and the roses have been pruned. Bachelor Monday's are back...and so is this blog. For the next several weeks we'll watch as Ashley H. kisses her way through 25 frogs in hopes of finding a prince.
As you recall, Ashley H. was a contender on last season's "The Bachelor" with Brad Womack. Regretting her hesitation and reluctance last season, Ashley is ready to get serious about finding a husband on reality television. If only we could all be so dedicated...
Before she can start doling out roses, we must meet all 25 bachelors. Among the brood of are some handsome, blue-eyed blondes (William and Ryan P.), two Josh Groban look-alikes (Winemaker Ben and Constitine), a drunk (Tim) and a guy in a mask (Jeff). Sounds like the kind of guys you would meet out in Knoxville if you ask me. Especially the drunk. Knoxville has those covered, amiright ladies!
First out of the limo was one of the handsome blondes, Ryan P. Ryan is a solar engineer from California and he just wants to "make the world a better place." And Ashley made his world a better place by offering him the First Impression Rose. We also meet Ivey League Ames who was quick to mention his degrees from Yale and Columbia. Drunk Tim can hardly put two words together before passing out drunk. And then we meet Zorro. Zorro is actually a guy named Jeff from St. Louis. When asked about his mask he tells Ashley that he "wanted to take his face out of the game." Well, I hope that face is worth it when he decides to take it off. And I hope he takes it before the Fantasy Suite date otherwise, it's like prom night alll over again and I'd rather not relive that.
Bentley should be a pretty interesting/ratings booster character this season. Supposedly, Ashley heard through a fellow Bachelor alum that Bentley is only doing the show to promote his business and he isn't there for the right reasons. Ashley wants to hold this against him, but oh those dimples and that head of hair! She's too smitten by his charm and good looks to let that information sway her decision. Ashley also finds William from Ohio quite charming as his celebrity impressions have her in stitches. William is also my pick of the litter, but I think Ryan P. and Bentley are the early frontrunners.
After Ashley has a chance to chat with all her suiters, it's time to give out the roses. Among those advancing to next week are Ryan P., William, Ivey League Ames, Bentley, both Josh Grobans, some other douchebags, and....Zorro! And among those boarding the reject limo are Tennessee boy Frank, and someone who had the best parting words in Bachelor history, Anthony from New Jersey. Dissapointed by another heartbreak, Anthony tells us, "I'm just a small town butcher from Jersey. What do I know?" Beautiful.
One of my favorite parts of the premiere episode of "The Bachelor" or "The Bachelorette" is the season preview and this year's preview did not dissapoint. Ashley takes the guys glob trotting to Hong Kong, Thailand, and Fiji. We'll also witness what looks to be a heated boxing match, accusations that one of the guy's wishes it were Emily that was the bachelorette, and an ambulance scene! No season of "The Bachelor" is complete without a good, old-fashioned ambulance scene...
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