If I had taken a shot of whiskey everytime Ashley said "I keep thinking about Bentley" I'd have more typos in this blog than usual. I know she isn't aware of what an a$$hole Bentley is, but there are clearly, for some reason, good eggs clamoring for her attention that are still willing to be in the game. Allow me to name a few; William with those blue eyes and dimples, Mickey - all tall, dark and handsome, and after this week's episode I'm even a fan of Ivey League Ames and Josh Groban #1 (Constantine). All Bentley had going for him was a good head of hair...
This week Ashley whisked the guys away for a week in Thailand. Remind me to pack an umbrella if I ever find myself in Thailand during monsoon season. It's a good thing I wasn't the Bachelorette this season; I have awful rain hair. In fact my hair looks bad in any type of inclimate weather or on any body of water. I have bad ocean hair, lake hair, pool hair. I'm sure if I were out to sea I'd have bad sea hair or pond hair. I'm pretty sure it would even look bad in a creek or puddle. So, yeah, good thing I wasn't the Bachelorette this season...
Ashley's first one-on-one date in Thailand was with Josh Groban #1, Constantine. She had planned for a boat ride to a private island but because of the rainstorm, the boat trip was cancelled. Ashley looked absolutely panic-stricken at the thought of having to plan her own date. Without a Dave & Buster's or a Chili's nearby, whatever will they do? Constantine steps up and suggests they go into downtown Phuket and walk around the open air markets. And that's when I started to like Constantine. Throughout their date it almost seemed like Constantine was the Bachelor and Ashley was the one hoping to recieve a rose. He chatted up the local Phuketians, suggested they grab some Thai beers, and asked Ashley some good questions about her journey as the Bachelorette. Later than night over dinner on the beach, Ashley tells Constantine that she had the best date with him and feels like she's off to a fresh start this week. Despite not giving him kiss, she gave him the date rose.
Day two in Thailand brought more rain and the week's group date. For this date Ashley planned for the group to help renovate a local orphange. As the Extreme Home Makeover gets underway, Ryan P. starts to ruffle some of the bachelor's feathers. Some of the guys complain that his take-charge attitude is starting to come off as just plain bossy. They also start to wonder how genuine Ryan P. is and if his seemingly ever-happy desposition is just an act. But Josh Groban #2 (Ben F.) really stole the group date when he free handed a mural on one of the walls of the orphange. Finding the elephant he painted adorable, Ashley started to realize that she had been too caught up in Bentley to realize how unique some of the guys were.
Later that evening Ashley hosted a pool party to celebrate the success of the newly decorated orphange. The first guy to snatch some alone time with the Bachelorette was Ben F. Ashley tells him last weeke was a bad week dealing with Bentley, but she was excited to spend time with him while they painted. He tells her that he was happy she spent time with him and boldly went in for a kiss. She then meets up with JP where they sit on the beach near the water. Too bad Ashley didn't bring her tackle box, because she did nothing but fish for compliments. I think the only reason JP kissed her was to shush all the questioning of why he liked her and if he was thinking about leaving.
Just as Ashley is about to award the date rose, Ryan P. asks to steal her away for moment. As the two walk away from the group Ryan tells her, "I hope we get to have more conversations. I think you're beautiful and I know we have a connection." But, the last minute stay of execution didn't work as well as he hoped on our Bachelorette. Ashley awarded the date rose to Ben F. That makes the second Josh Groban look-a-like to recieve a date rose this episode. Someone has a type...
Ivey League is on deck for the next one-on-one date. The rain must have let up some because they were permitted to go on a boat ride and kayaking excursion. While boating along Chalong Bay, Ivey League Ames tells Ashley this marks is third trip to Thailand. His first was for a mountain climbing expedition and the second was to attend a Thai culinary school. Maybe on their next date she can take him to Richmond, KY. I bet he's never been there. After they cruise around the bay, Ames and Ashley board a sea kayak where they paddle around caves and waterfalls. Though they don't talk much while aboard the kayak, they both feel a strong connection just by being in such a beautiful setting together. Over dinner we learn that Ames finds Ashley very funny, smart, and beautiful. And Ashley finds Ames very diffrent from the rest of the guys and offers him the date rose.
The next night's rose ceremony has a few of the guys on edge. Ryan P. feels ganged-up on by some of the other bachelors, Lucas feels like he hasn't had much time alone time with Ashley, and Widower West fears that Ashley doesn't feel he's ready to be in love again. Before she hands out the roses, Ashley asks to speak with Poppa Harrison. Since Bentley's departure, Ashley has realized that she's had on Bentley goggles and now sees that there are some truly great guys that want to be here. Afraid that she will send the wrong on home, she asks Poppa Harrison if she can give out an extra rose at the ceremony. Her request was granted, and I think Lucas was the big IF. So, while Josh Groban numbers 1&2, Ivey League Ames, Lucas, Ryan P., JP, Nick, Mickey, Blake, William, and Ben C. return next week, West heads back home to South Carolina.
Next week their trek overseas continues as they travel to Chaing Mai in northern Thailand where we'll see some sort of boxing match, some serious hand holding, the ever-popular ambulance scene....and could it be the dramatic return of Bentley? *takes a shot*
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